Trygve Olav Alger

Trygve Olav Alger 

In loving memory of Trygve O. Alger. May 30, 1927 – November 24, 2022

Known by his family and friends as TOA, Trygve died peacefully with his family by his side on Thursday November 24, 2022. He was 95 years old. Born in Bergen, Norway, to Nils Olai Alger and Ingeborg Bothilde Alger, Trygve set his sights on the USA at the age of 20. In April of 1953, TOA became a US Citizen. In 1955, he was a Corporal in the US Army.

He then met his love, Fay Ethel Bonitz, in New York. She became Mrs. Trygve O. Alger on Thanksgiving Day, 1954, in Chester Vermont. 

His passion for electronics led him to Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute and eventually earning a master’s degree in Electrical Engineering. 

They moved to Connecticut where TOA helped launch Harrell, Inc. and was Vice President and Chief Electrical Engineer for the next 38 years.

 In 1997, he retired and moved to Seminole, Florida to be closer to his daughters, Nancy and Barbara.

Trygve prided himself on being able to fix anything. He spent his retirement years working on home improvement projects for his family in Norway as well as his family and friends in the US. He would enthusiastically learn every new skill needed to get the job done and work tirelessly to complete.

Trygve was a Golden Member of the Sons of Norway. He served as President for Skaugum Lodge in Connecticut in 1978. He was a member of Suncoast Lodge in Seminole, FL for the past 23 years.

Trygve was a member of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Largo Florida.

His passion for classical music led him to be a supporter of Arts for Faith’s Sake.

Trygve was predeceased by his wife Fay, and his sisters, Nancy and Aslaug. 

He is survived by his two Daughters, Nancy E. Kaufman (James D. Kaufman) and Barbara E. Rutherford. His 6 grandchildren, James A. Kaufman, Aimee Rutherford, Megan Trunzo, Tyler Rutherford, Weston Kaufman, Michael Rutherford. 

He is also survived by 2 sisters, Kirsten Algerøy and Solveig Nesse, 9 nieces and nephews.

A funeral will be held at 3pm, Sunday, January 29, 2022, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 455 Missouri Avenue- Largo, Florida 33770 –

Trygve Olav Alger 

Alltid i vårt minne Trygve O. Alger
30 Mai 1927 – 24 November 2022

Trygve var kjent som TOA av familie og venner. Trygve døde fredfullt med familien ved sin side torsdag 24 November 2022. 

Han var født i Bergen, Norge sønn av Nils Olaf Alger of Ingeborg Bothilde Alger. Trygve statte sine øyne mot USA i en alder av 20 år. I April 1953 ble TOA en Amerikansk Statsborger. I 1955 var han en Korporal i den Amerikanske Hæren.

Han møtte sin kjærlighet, Fay Ethel Bonitz i New York. På høsttakkefest dagen 1954, ble Fru Trygve O. Alger i Chester, Vermont. 

Som følge av hans forkjærlighet til elektrofaget ble han ledet til Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute og han oppnådde en mastergrad som elektro ingeniør.

De flyttet til Connecticut hvor TOA hjalp til å starte  Harrell Inc. og var visepresident og Sjefs Elektro Ingeniør i de neste 38 årene. 

I 1997 pensjonerte han seg og flyttet til Seminole, Florida for å være nærmere sine døtre, Nancy og Barbara. 

Trygve var stolt av å kunne fikse alt. Han tilbrakte pensjonsårene med opppussing av hus for hans familie i Norge og også hans venner i USA. Han lærte med iver nyttige kunnskaper for å få jobben ferdig. 

Trygve var en Golden Member av Sønner av Norge. Han var President for Skaugum Lodge i Connecticut i 1978. Han var medlem av Suncoast Lodge i Seminole, FL i de siste 23 årene. 

Trygve var medlem av Prince of Peace Lutheran Church i Largo, Florida.

Som følge av hans kjærlighet til musikk ble han medlem av Arts for Faith’s Sake.

Hans hustru, Fay,  og hans søstre, Nancy og Aslaug gikk bort før Trygve.

Han etterlater sine to døtre,
Nancy E Kaufman (James D. Kaufman) og Barbara E. Rutherford. 
6 barnebarn, James A. Kaufman, Aimee Rutherford, Megan Trunzo, Tyler Rutherford, Weston Kaufman, Michael Rutherford. To søstre Kirsten Algerøy og Solveig Nesse, han etterlot også 9 nieser og nevøer og hans.

Begravelsen blir holdt Søndag 29. Januar 2023 kl 15:00
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church. 455 Missouri Avenue, Largo Florida 33770.

10 Responses

  1. It has been a month since we said good bye. Hard to believe the time has passed so quickly. I miss you everyday and know we will see each other again. Thank you for all the beautiful memories and for being such a good provider for our families. Merry Christmas Dad❤️

  2. Your father was blessed with a remarkable life. My heart goes out to the elder family as you grieve. Such a great loss, but remember our fathers love is eternal, and without end. XOXO Deb.

  3. To my beautiful life long friends..Huge condolences are with you all. May you find peace in knowing that you all took such great care of him. Mr Alger was a power of example for everybody. Always fixing, tinkering, planning, climbing ladders! He took enormously great care of his family. I have such fond and fun memories of him. Nancy and Barbara, I love you girls. He’ll be with you…telling you what to do from the heavens. Love you all. Take care. Rest In Peace Mr Alger. A life so well lived and loved.

  4. Our condolences to all your family Trygve and that includes ourselves! We will miss your engaging conversation, fenomenal memory, hospitality, friendship…. YOU! Jane and Leif Algeroey. (I especially thank you for helping me on the road to living my Norwegian roots. You will always be special in my heart – Jane)

  5. We so enjoyed our times with Trygve and will always remember his humor, his stories and his spark that shines on in the hearts & lives of you all – his beloved family. May his memory be eternal.

  6. Solveig Nesse (sister) says:

    My deepest condolences to the whole family on my brother Trygve’s passing. I will never forget you, but keep the memories in my heart. You were the handyman who could fix most anything, a loving brother and friend. Thank you for all the good times we shared in Brooklyn, as well happy summers in Norway. May you Rest In Peace….till we meet again.

  7. Our condolenses to all your family. We met Trygve when buying his home Gjerdet on Algrøy. We had a very good dialog with him then, and after when he visited us. We will always be greatful for the possibility to move in to Gjerdet. We will always remember him❤️

  8. So sorry to hear about the loss of such a great man. My mother, Sylvia Mickelson (Alger), was Trygve’s cousin, Thomas Alger’s daughter. I am Sylvia’s son, Chris. We had the pleasure of visiting Trygve’s home in Bergen (Norway) on a Norway cruise back in 2012. Trygve met us at the cruise ship terminal and brought my wife, Kim, daughters Christiana and Trine and our son Tristen to his home. Here we had the pleasure of meeting his daughter, Nancy and her sons, James and Weston. Trygve showed us around his homestead and boat moorage and his family put on a fabulous Norwegian lunch. Our family will always cherish that moment that we spent with Trygve and his family. You will be dearly missed by your family and friends. Rest in peace Trygve.

  9. Kondolerer til hele familien❤️
    Vi har vokst opp på samme øy Algrøy.
    For mangen år siden fikk jeg en melding fra en dame som hadde en bestefar Richard Hormann, som ville treffe deg før han døde. Jeg møtte deg på Algrøy for du var på ferie der da og overleverte beskjeden til deg. Håper du fikk snakket med din venn Richard før det var forseint.
    Hvil i fred Trygve🌟❤️

  10. Condolences from Pete and me. We enjoyed spending time with Trygve at Nancy and Jim’s home, talking with him and listening to his interesting stories over the years. I also enjoyed his kind hospitality in Norway in 2002, showing me the property and his handiwork converting the barn. And can’t forget fishing with him and James in the North Sea. Trygve was a good man, may he rest easy and in peace❣️

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