Sandra Armstrong

Sandra Armstrong  born 7/24/35 in Elgin, Illinois died in the care of Hospice, Pinellas Park Florida on January 3, 2025; she would have been 90 this year.  Sandy was a great cook, she loved the Packers, thin crust pizza, and had a quick wit that could always make an awkward situation laughable.  She had a successful real estate career in Iowa before retiring to her beautifully curated cabin in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with her husband Dick.  Sandy, Dick  and their dog Livvy loved the cabin life. She stayed active volunteering at the Gogebic Hospital , local Methodist church, boating, snowmobiling and gardening.  Sandy also loved the beach and wintered in Florida eventually purchasing their home in Fairway Village. Sandy moved to Florida permanently after Dick died in 2016.  She was on the board at Fairway and enjoyed the women’s golf league among other events with her many friends who were visiting and supporting her as she transitioned from this life.  

Sandy is preceded in death by her husband Richard Armstrong, Glenn Scheitlin and her daughter Anne Johnson.  Sandy is survived by her son David Scheitlin. Her Son in Law Tim Johnson. Her Step Children: Mark (Michelle) Armstrong, Corinne (Dan) McManning, and Donna Armstrong.  Her Grandchildren: Joe, Leah, Libby, Shannon, Elizabeth, and Trisha will still affectionately refer to her as Nana or Nanie as they raise her 7 great grandchildren and 1 great-great granddaughter who is 8 months old. 

Sandy did not want a funeral service and wished for her ashes to be spread at the places she cherished most near the water in Florida and at Lake Gogebic, MI.  

In lieu of flowers donations can be made to the Gogebic Range Health Foundation. (Gogebicrangehf@org)

One Response

  1. Sandy you were such a sweet lady I always enjoyed talking to you at Corinne’s house. We will definitely miss you 🙏❤️

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